The companies that spend millions of dollars to advertise their green transformations could be using that money in areas that will actually benefit the environment. We aren't going to get very far if consumers are being lied to and don't know which product is actually recycled, sustainable, and eco-friendly. If people knew how often they are being lied to by large corporations they probably wouldn't be so supportive of their products. It's important to understand the origins and processes of what we buy and consume and how it can affect the environment, global warming, and our bodies.
I. Intro
II. Examples of Greenwashing
a) ExxonMobil
b) Personal Care Products
c) Georgia-Pacific
d) Shell
e) Monsanto
III. Agriculture
a) Organic Food- guidelines, loopholes, benefits
b) Local Farmers vs Large Corporations
IV. Enforcing the Laws of Environmental Protection & Problems
a) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)- often unrealistic goals, time frames, complex & technical
b) Interplay of federal, state, and local governments in regulating statues
c) Difficult to prosecute offenders- extremely time consuming, effort and resources needed for investigation and prosecution
d) Economic and political pressures dissuade prosecutors from filing charges against large corporations
V. The Media's Role
a) internet- abundance of information; can cause confusion
b) advertisements
VI. What We Can Do as Consumers
a) investigate products, search options
b) talk to local farmers
c) boycott products out loud
VII. Conclusion
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